Business Awards Recognise HART Sport

One of HART Sport's fastest growing departments is export, and the team were recently rewarded for their efforts by being named a finalist in the prestigious Brisbane Lord Mayors Business Awards. The nomination is for the HSBC Award For Doing Business In Asia. Export Manager Stephen Porter believes it is the close proximity to Asia, the quality of the equipment and service provided that has led to the success - “We continually receive feedback that we are more responsive and so much easier to deal with than a number of competitors from the USA or Britain”. Many of the products exported are made locally in our factory in Brisbane before being exported to over 20 countries in Asia.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has messaged that "the awards have become a touchstone for the excellence, success and innovative approach thar are the hallmarks of Brisbane's business community". Winners of the 2018 Lord Mayor's Business Awards will be announced at a gala dinner later this month. Proud to be a part of this community and excited by the nomination, the HART Sport team looks forward to celebrating the oustanding contributions made to the growth of our city's economy.