How to Play Dodgeball
05 Jul 2016
The Basics of Dodgeball
Court Size: 18m x 9m or a Volleyball Court. Equipment: 6 x Dodgeballs.
- The game starts with 6 balls, on the centre line. Players start behind the end line and at the opening rush, each team retrieves the balls to their right on the centre line. The ball must be taken behind the attack line before it can be thrown.
- The object of the game is to eliminate the opposing players by getting them OUT. You are out if: The ball hits you below the shoulders. You step over the sideline or the centreline. You throw a live ball and it is caught by your opponent.
- You can block a thrown ball with a held ball but if you drop the blocking ball or the thrown ball still ends up hitting your body, you are out.
- A ball is dead and cannot get you out if: It hits the ground, wall or has already hit another player first. It is held for longer than 10 seconds. Dead balls are rolled over immediately to the other team.
- When you get out, stand on the sideline in the order you got out. If a teammate catches a ball, you can return to the court from the backline.
- If the game comes down to 1 player on each team, they have 10 seconds to hit each other out. After this time, the neutral zone is dissolved and the players may move about freely on the court. The last player to get their opponent out wins.
Checkout our dodgeball equipment here. You might also be interested in other hitting and throwing games, you can find them here.